Little is known about the Golden Arctic Squid, although it's anatomy clearly indicate it as a cephalopod, the name squid is just used to facilitate communication. Up to now no real classification or study has been done due to the rareness of this creature, with only two certificated sightings so far. Found only on the coldest of waters, this creature has an estimate length of 1 to 1 and half meters, a total of 10 arms without evidence of feeding tentacles and, the most curious fact about this creature, the presence of odd protuberances along it's sides. These weird appendages are not symmetrical nor constant, differing drastically from individual to individual, and they don't appear too have any function at all. A recent theory claims that this growths could actually be the male Golden Squid fused with the female body as it happens with the anglerfish, but there is still not enough evidence to confirm it. Due to it's beautiful golden color and rarity it is widely believed that a sighting of one of them will bring good luck and some even claim that capturing a Golden Squid will grant you entrance to Willy Wonka's fantastic seafood factory, which would be totally awesome!
PS: Imagine Morgan Freeman reading this.